It`s freezing her at the moment. So it`s time for doing something in the workshop. But I think it`s better to have a look at some motorcycle rally photos.
My brother Dag and I tried the Swedish "Skåne rundt" rally for the first time last August. The rally rout is circa 550 kilometers om public roads, over two days. You have to do that on a bike produced before 31. December 1945. There are four different classes dived by the age on the machine and one for passengers. You get a road book and have to find your way to the quizzes and timed sections. Your luggage for the night is brought to the hotel we all are staying in. Food, drinks and one night accommodation are included in the entry fee. I think this is the best organized rally i have been on. There are more than 50 officials along the route, and they have even a brake down service.

The bikes are loaded on the trailer. Dag is securing the loading ramp with power tools. First boat to Sweden in the morning.

The rally course, round the south of Sweden.

The start is held in the garden of Örenäs castle. Fine weather and fine surroundings.

The oldest bike starting: Peugeot 380cc from 1907

A determined looking rider of a 1908 Wanderer 308cc, waiting to unleash the beast. I believe the man in the brown leathers must be the long lost cousin of the Red Baron.

An American 500cc 1911 in traffic, not something you see every day. He has modified it slightly: disc front brake from a modern pedal bike.

Dag`s Ariel Red Hunter from 1933 are ready to roll. Still a fast machine, will do "the ton" any day of the week.

The power plant of a AJS "Big Port" from 1928. Fast and furious!

A Moto Reve parked at one of the control posts. I don`t know witch year. Looks unrestored, "oily rag condition".

This Dutch lady is riding a 1937 Indian Scout. If you ride a Indian, you must wear red boots. Been available in the Indian option lists from 1927.....

A flat tank Norton 16H from 1927. One of my favorite vintage bikes.

Adjustments for the last day of riding.

This was my first "proper" ride on the Norton. I had a lot of "sorting out " work the week before the rally. Had the cylinder of two times and rebuild the magneto (classic magneto condenser problems).
I did the rally in gear made before 1945. I wanted to try hove WW2 dispatch riders outfit was. It is cold, the helmet are heavy and the wool can hold a lot of water when its raining! I have a lot of respect for the riders of WW2.

When did you last see a swimming pool surrounded by vintage bikes? The guarded parking of Saturdays hotel. Bikes, swimming and a drink......You can`t find a better place in Ibiza.

A slightly "bobbed" Harley Davidson Knuckle head. The rally had a broad variety of bikes and riders.

The Norton have proof of being used. Rain on gravel roads are great for an old warrior