I had heard about it for while……..A friend of mine had found the remains of his uncle Emblem motorcycle. I was all ears…..He could remember the bike in traffic when he was a kid and had some stories about it. Well my friend is in his eighty’s and can tell a bike ore car tail. He wanted to keep the bits and see what turned up…….Fair enough; after all it was a family relic.
Some time passes and I am out to his place to have a look......... And I ask about the Emblem, after all he is more of a car guy
To make it short, I had to go and get my car……
Well well, what have we here……..in a corner in the garage. |
Emblem was made in Angola, New York from 1909 to 1925. They had a reputation to be of excellent quality. I do not know how many that made it to Norway.
This is all the parts, but all projects have a start.….. I will try to find some more of the bike, but it can be a difficult task. The Emblem “lived” close to a deep lake and I have heard many stories of the effective cleaning of unneeded stuff. You drag the things you don`t want out on the ice late in winter. Then you just have to wait until spring, and viola…….everything has disappeared. Did I mention that the lake was deep?
Still original paint with gold lining, amazing that it has survived all the years with use and abuse.
I do not know if the parts are from a twin or a single cylinder machine.