Thursday, 9 October 2014

Trondhjemsridtet day 3 and 4.

“In the land of the blind, the one-eyed man is king”. But in the land of “tinkering with motorcycles” the man with most glasses rules.

Day three started with heavy rain. Rain and gravel roads make an unbeatable combination ……That’s why Odd has such a happy face….

This morning at a wet and cold gravel road the Sunbeam decided that enough is enough… with an expensive sound it went dead….I had to leave the bike to be picked up by the rally’s rescue team.

My worst experience of my life was when I had to ride pillion with this fierce looking man.

I was left alone at a check point waiting for at one of the rally’s service cars. So when one turned up I immediately applied for the post of First lackey, under doubt I was accepted…

The “beam” on the chariot of shame….

I spent the rest of the rally collecting road signs and tried to be useful….but I still had a good opportunity to enjoy the view of the bikes and scenery.

Bent, my commander in the car, is enjoying the view of Rondane.

Kurt and Sverre takes a toast for American made motorcycles.

Ready for the evening's festivities. One has cigars and the other rubber....

Start of the last day.

So…What happened to the Sunbeam….?

Tuesday, 7 October 2014

Trondhjemsridtet day 1 and 2

I have put the heating on in my workshop, that means that the winter is soon here.  So now it`s time to have a look at what`s been done this summer.
 The main event (and quite a challenge it turned out to be….) was “Trondhjemsridtet”. We set of on a 1250 km journey, four days of riding on roads as close to the route from 1919. I was on the 1930 Sunbeam, my brother Dag on a 1933 Ariel Red Hunter. This time we had also lent out two bikes, Odd on a 1954 Ariel HS and Gunnar on the 1953 Norton Big 4.

 I carried tools for all four bikes….

The bikes are lining up.

It looks like Arne is trying to do a correct for the era bump start on his Inter.

Johan U. all the way from Sweden on his HD U. Nicely dressed for the occasion….I think he is what we call a party Swede in Norway…

Gunnar, a man with a lot of glasses, is getting drilled in the art of riding Norton by Knut.

Sverre, “Mr. American motorcycles Norway” himself are nearly ready to go.

The way to bring the necessities of the road on a vintage bike:

Did we have trouble the first day?....A puncture, two lose clutches and petrol shortage…

At least we made the dinner stop before closing time…

 This 1920 ACE, displayed outside the restaurant, was the winner of the sidecar class in “Trondhjemsridtet” 1922. The combination was ridden by female competitor Mimi Larsmon.

Finnish day one….We do like the cowboys…..We tend to the horse first.

Ready for day two!

Panther Stein are eager to thunder along….

Dinner day two was in the old mining town of Røros.

First thing first…Finnish day two.