Wednesday 24 April 2013

The Vintage Revival at Montlhéry, France, 2013. # 2

Some more photos of motoring’s la belle époque.

I now understand the meaning of a boat tail car.

The pilots view of a Harley Davidson Twin Cam.

Some riders really went fast.


When you do offerings to the God of speed, you have to take a ride back to base on the unglamorous chariot.

Old MacDonald had a farm……but he also had a couple of racing cars. The scary goat keeps felons away.

The Bonniksen Isochronous Speedometer, one of my favourite instruments. I think I need a bike with one attached.

McEvoy`s in glorious spring weather.

A well-deserved power nap before the next laps.

Jimmy Nail had a song called Crocodile Shoes……….And yes, I do think this is the actual pair….


Chanel No5 meets Castrol R40. You just have to love it!

1 comment:

American motorcycles said...

Heeeeldiggrisen, missunnellig!!